Listening music is reduce stress, anxiety, for 5 reasons are good for health with Listening music

In today’s time, every person is stressed or worried about something. There are many occasions when one also feels emotional stress in life which is not a healthy sign. Excess stress can be the root cause of mental problems. Dr. Omar Afroz of AIIMS says that changing lifestyle is a major cause of stress. Lack of sleep also creates mental stress. Sourness in relationships is also the reason. Listening to music is one of the easiest options to deal with daily anxiety and stress situations.

Slow motion music acts like a medicine for a person in a state of tension and helps to calm down. Music actually lowers cortisol levels and also promotes the relaxation of stressed muscles. The high-frequency and low-frequency sound of music changes within the brain. That is why help is given in the treatment of diseases through music therapy. Not only stress and anxiety, these 5 reasons are also good to listen to music.


For better sleep

If you have trouble sleeping, listening to music is a good option. It is good for people struggling with insomnia to listen to soothing music at bedtime. For good sleep, slow or classical music will be better, rather than loud noisy music. It reduces the activity of the nervous system, relaxes the muscles, relieves tension, thereby reducing the senseless thoughts before coming to sleep. So get into the habit of listening to music 30 or 45 minutes before bedtime.

To increase memory

Listening to good music helps to release dopamine thus increasing concentration. Researches have found a strong correlation between music listening and brain development. Brain development and memory were found to be better in children learning music. The risk of disease like stroke is also low.

For strengthening the immune system

Immunity gives the body the ability to fight against any type of disease causing bacteria, viruses etc. It would be difficult to believe that music helps to strengthen the immune system, but music shows it amazingly.

Also for blood pressure

Music gives the benefit of slow motion in high blood pressure and high speed in low blood pressure. You can see great improvement in blood pressure by listening to good music for 30 minutes in the morning and evening.

For heart health

Listening to music causes the release of endorphins hormones in the brain. It keeps the heart healthy. According to researchers, instrumental music is more effective than songs. Hearing 30 minutes of favorite music daily increases the capacity of the heart. Apart from this, it is also beneficial for those who have heart disease.

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